Heidi, Mena & Dane:

"My name is Heidi and I am 7. I felt kind of nervous to make the call to Erica. She was really nice." - Heidi, 7

"When we got there Erica was smiling at Heidi and looked really excited. She asked us our names and sat down with us in the shade. The budgie looked so fluffy and cute and baby-ish. Heidi named her PopTart. My sister let me hold the bird. First PopTart was excited, and then she fell asleep. She is very healthy. She eats a lot and is really nice to our other birds. Erica's birds are really nice and snuggly." - Mena, 9

"She (Erica) was really nice. She let me hold the bird first. She holded the wings and I holded the legs. You have to hold the belly so she doesn't run off." - Dane, 4


“ Samba is her name and is our baby bird. We cannot thank Ladybird Aviary enough for an amazing baby. Having a young budgie to bond and work with has been amazing.”


“Best. Bird. Ever. I have had many parakeets and non of them are as sweet, playful, and cute as my bird from Ladybird Aviary. She loves to be held/played with and will nap on my shoulder. Erica was super sweet and helpful and her birds are truly special and unique in the way of their personalities.”

•Wall of fame•