
First impressions are very important!

For tonight, leave your bird in its cage alone and in a quiet room. This will help your bird get used it’s surroundings and settle in. Make sure there is plenty of water, fruits/veggies along with pellets/seed mix prior to placing your bird in its new home. I know it’s exiting because you just brought the bird home but I promise you this will help you in the long run!

The next day, you can walk in the room every now and to talk to them and maybe offer some millet so it gets used to you. Be very aware about how your bird responds and if it seems scared,  just give it a little break and come back 15-20 min later to try again.

Before trying anything, I highly recommend looking over the tips I provide on how to build a good relationship with your bird

It is important to stay consistent and be patient. Some warm up to you super fast and some are a little more timid when it’s environment changes. * Make sure you let your bird get comfortable with you before you start letting it out of the cage and on your shoulder. If your bird happens to fly off, trying to go and catch it might have a negative effect on the birds relationship with you. *